Dispute Settlement in the WTO
Haruo Saburi, “Progress of the WTO Regime to Date”
Kazumochi Kometani, “What Role Should the WTO Dispute Settlement Procedures Play?: Risk Assessment of ‘Judicialization’ and Proposal”
Norio Komura, “WTO Film Dispute and Non-Violation Complaints”
Isamu Mamiya, “National Treatment and Restrictive Business Practice: An Aspect of Japan-US Film Case”
Jiro Tamura, “Trade and Competition in the WTO: Unresolved Issues of the US-Japan Film Case”
Hirokazu Miyano, “The Limits of WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism: The Meaning of Sovereignty or of the Decentralized Character of International Society”
Tsutomu Himeno, “Orientations for the Review of the WTO’s Dispute Settlement Understanding (DSU)”
International Transactions Law in Cyberspace
Mitsuru Iwamura, “Electronic Commerce: As One of Cross-border Issues”
Masato Dogauchi, “Law Applicable to Torts and Copyright Inflingement through the Internet”
Seiichi Kondo, “Electronic Commerce: Its Impact on Japan’s Foreign Policy”
Hiroshi Suzuki, “The Current Discussion of Electronic-Commerce Policy Making in Japanese Government”
Current Issues
Yoshinori Abe, “The Origin of GATT Article VI: In search of the Purpose of the Antidumping Duty Clause”